What Is The Perfect Investment?


Have you ever wondered if there is such a thing as a perfect investment?

If so, what qualities, traits, characteristics, properties, features or benefits would or should it provide?

I sent out a questionnaire to over 400 families for their input. The responses were varied, but highlighted areas of concern for most families.


Many people wanted to know that their hard earned savings would grow without risk of loss. They wanted guarantees.

Not Locked-In

Many people complained about their money being locked-in. Government or Company Pension Plans for example, Canada Pension Plan, Group RRSP’s, Annuities etc. They have money, but they can’t get their hands on it.


What good is having your own money if it’s not accessible if and when you need it?

Creditor Proof

Business Owners, Professionals and Landlords are concerned about being sued. So protecting their assets is a real concern.

Tax-Advantaged Compounded Growth

Everyone wanted to see their investments grow & compound without being taxed along the way or on the gain or profit they received. Whether it is a property, investment or business.

Never Lose Money

There is nothing more discouraging to everyone to see their Investments, RRSP’s, or Real Estate lose 30% in value. Then be told that they must increase 43% to get back to their original value. Then be told they must have realistic expectations (4% average annual returns) while you wait 10 years for a recovery.

Use Your Assets as Collateral

How frustrating to have thousands of dollars in your RRSP’s, yet you can’t use them as collateral for loans and other investment opportunities. (They are collateral for the government)

Tax Free Income

This is a hot topic for many clients. They work overtime, they start a home based business, they have non-registered investments, they take on extra jobs to make extra money. Only to find that it gets added to their regular income and taxed as if it’s all overtime.

Not affected by the Stock Market

We are all told that investing is a long term strategy. In order to achieve the higher returns, we need to accept the volatility that comes with it. This means our savings are whipsawed on a regular basis. Most investors are not comfortable or happy with these regular corrections. How can we protect ourselves from these corrections?

No Reporting to Canada Revenue Agency

This is a big one. What if there was a way to legally earn income and not have to report it or claim it on your annual income tax returns? Are you interested in finding out?

Transfer Ownership with no Tax Consequences

Often the situation arises where you want to transfer an investment, a property or even an RRSP to someone else. Maybe it’s a cabin at the lake or ski hill. However the income tax consequences are often a deterrent.

Change Beneficiary with no Tax Consequences

Something as simple as wanting to change your beneficiary to your children on your RRSP’s. This can’t be done without tax consequences.

Accessing Capital, Borrowing or Re-Financing

The process of trying to borrow money using your own assets (Investments or your personal residence) as collateral can be a very discouraging process. First there is a credit check to see what your score is. Then there is the loan application itself that wants to know everything about you. Then finally they want income verification from your employer. There must be a simpler way to borrow money without going through all these hoops.

No Probate Fees

This can be quite discouraging for many people who have spent a lifetime accumulating assets and then finding out they are going to have to pay probate fees on their assets when their estate is settled. Is there a better way? 

No Taxes on Death

Some people say that we don’t have a death tax in Canada. But we sure do. Find out what happens to your RRSP’s/RRIF’s on death if you are single, widowed or divorced. In BC, if your taxable income exceeds $240,716, you can expect to pay 53.5% income tax on the excess. How do you feel about giving over 50% of your accumulated RRSP savings to the Government on your passing? And you never got to enjoy any of it.

Positive Returns every Year

This was an important one for many of my clients. They just wanted to see their money growing every year. No corrections, no surprises and no losses. And they weren’t expecting high returns.

And Last but not Least

Better returns than a 5 year GIC. Many clients have told me that worse case, they want to do better than a 5 year Term Deposit or 5 year Guaranteed Income Certificate.

Then I asked my clients if they were aware of any type of investment, business, property or asset class that addressed all of these areas of concern?

Some were aware of a few investments that addressed a couple of the concerns. But nobody was aware of a solution to all of them.

In fact, neither was I until November of 2012 when I read a book called “Becoming Your Own Banker” by R. Nelson Nash. This book changed my life. I had to change my perspective, my attitude and my mind regarding a financial tool that has been around for over 200 years. It’s not really an investment. That is why I wasn’t aware of it. I have to say that I was not taught much about Whole Life Insurance, although I have been in this business since 1995.

Here is the solution I discovered. It’s highly recommended that this strategy be provided by a qualified, licenced, knowledgeable and experienced Life Insurance Advisor who is authorized to provide it. Are you ready for a Paradigm shift?

It’s a specially designed, Participating Whole Life Dividend Paying Life Insurance policy. I know, you are probably as shocked as I was. I couldn’t sleep for 2 nights. After 1 year of extensive study, I am now an Infinite Banking Concepts Authorized Practitioner and am part of the IBCanada Group. Isn’t it time you were also aware of such a tool?

Allan Johnson

Allan Johnson

Allan is currently a Licensed Level II Life Insurance Agent in B.C. and has been in the financial business since 1995 as an Independent Advisor and Insurance Agent. Allan has been an Authorized IBC Practitioner since 2014 after being introduced to the IBC concept in the fall of 2012.

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